Little C.A., You are 11 months old! How is it possible that this time last year, I was power walking in the mall with your dad, trying to get you moving towards your world entrance.... and fast forward one year, I am chasing you around the house listening to your giggle as you "run" from Momma (which is more like speed crawl)...?! Your eleventh month has been full of adventure. We've endured the HOT summer with trips to the pool and splashing in our own inflatable version in the backyard. And on the hottest days, we brought your inflatable pool inside, where you had the most fun crawling in and out of it, arranging your toys, and doing it all over again! You are becoming such a communicator! Your sign language vocabulary continues to expand, and you can even form simple signing sentences ("More. Milk. Please.") You are also like a little parrot, repeating everything we say, and giggling after you hear yourself imitate these new so...