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Showing posts from January, 2019

2018 Year in Review

There is something truly special about a fresh start, a new beginning, a clean slate. I love breaking open an unmarked calendar and dreaming of the possibilities in the year ahead of me.  But before I am able to fully embrace a new year and move forward into the wide-open space of the blank pages, I like to reflect on the previous year. While I often recap each year chronologically by month, this time I am going to instead revisit some of our family's most defining experiences of 2018, where God's faithfulness was so incredibly apparent. The Wreck. January started off with a literal *bang* when JJ was turning into his work parking lot one freezing cold early morning and a car behind him slammed into the rear of our SUV going nearly 40 mph. Cue the protein shake in the driver's side cupholder flying out the shattered back window and the spare tire on the tailgate now nearly in the back seat.  By the grace of God, J.J. escaped the accident unharmed, with only some ex...