Charlotte Ann, You are turning into a fearless let the child-proofing projects commence! You are a speed-crawler, and love chasing your doggies, cousins, or anyone else who dares to race you around the house. You can stand on your own and have thought about walking, but when you realize it's a slower process than speed-crawling, you change your mind. Only when Daddy's holding your hands do you like to walk, and even then you sometimes prefer to hop (thanks to your doorway jumper that has taught you how to work on your "ups.") My dear, you have two speeds: GO...and SLEEP. There really is no in between. You tackle each new task with full force energy, so at night time you are exhausted and collapse into bed after a full day. The only time you sit still in our laps, allowing us to rock you is when you we read bedtime stories, and you are hanging on every word. Even then, though, you are an active participant, turning the pages, po...