Two thousand fifteen has been full of abundant blessings, but not without plentiful challenges also. Right now, my husband and I are working a combined total of 112 hours per week. I won't say which of us is working 70+ hours per week, because that's not important; the main thing is that we haven't been able to ride to and from work together because of it. This may seem insignificant to some, but to us it is huge. Our ride together in the morning is a 30 minute commute, a time that we set aside for morning devotion and worship- whoever is not at the steering wheel is in charge of choosing a worship song, reading a devotion, and praying over our day. This starts our day on the right note and aligns our hearts and minds. On our ride home, we typically catch up on the day's happenings, laugh, cry, whatever we need to do before we arrive to pick up our sweet Charlotte. Then, we get home and spend time with her, which usually involves a family run, dinner, playtime, and t...